• Re: MRC

    From kmelillo@VERT/DOTHEYK to Va7aqd on Sunday, April 14, 2019 12:51:10
    Re: Re: Door Games - Door Party
    By: Va7aqd to MRO on Sat Apr 13 2019 03:52 pm

    IRC, and everyone always just being idle is an easy solve.. have a idle bot in the channel... you talk, you get a +v... you don't talk for 15 minutes or so, you get the +v removed... should let you know who is active or not...

    When you enter the channel you get the +v as well.

    Not an ideal solution... and the bots could report to a file, or some other means to display how many +v's are in the channel...

    Not to take away anything fro MRC, but having multiple communication channels makes each one have less people.

    Kevin Melillo | Conspiracy Theory BBS | bbs.dotheyknow.net

    þ Synchronet þ Conspiracy Theory telnet://bbs.dotheyknow.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to kmelillo on Sunday, April 14, 2019 09:48:18
    Re: Re: MRC
    By: kmelillo to Va7aqd on Sun Apr 14 2019 02:51 pm

    Re: Re: Door Games - Door Party
    By: Va7aqd to MRO on Sat Apr 13 2019 03:52 pm

    IRC, and everyone always just being idle is an easy solve.. have a idle bot in the channel... you talk, you get a +v... you don't talk for 15 minutes or so, you get the +v removed... should let you know who is active or not...

    When you enter the channel you get the +v as well.

    Not an ideal solution... and the bots could report to a file, or some other means to display how many +v's are in the channel...

    that's a good idea. also there are some people that idle because stuff gets mentioned in irc by accident. and they log it. people acidentially post passwords or any kind of thing.

    that's why i only let people i know idle for long periods of time.
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