• Why India's economy can't grow like China

    From Kirk Spragg@1:105/420 to All on Saturday, June 29, 2024 17:17:36
    Hello everyone,

    Following on from previous discussion here RE why India's economy hasn't grown like China's, I though I share an interesting youtube video that appears on a macroeconomics channel I follow:
    Hey %% & && though you might be interested in this given our previous discussion

    RE why India's economy hasn't grown as quickly as China's.


    Dr. Joeri Schasfoort's channel Money & Macro is an economics youtube
    channel I've been following for a while. He's done a few analysis videos about China's economy and in this one explains why he thinks India didn't and cannot grow the same way China has.

    It's an interesting watch. He summarizes research from two Indian Economists, ex central bank president Prof. Raghuram Rajan & Proj Davesh Kapur from the John Hopkin's University.

    If I've understood what he's presented correctly, it seems that it mostly comes down to the different ways that India & China's local government function and how they were & still are incentivized. From what he presents in this video, it seems to me that for foreign investors, working with India's local government was and will still will be much more difficult, so dealing with bureaucracy, getting permits ect is just much more difficult than in China.

    Also appears that some local Indian governments have and still are deliberately leaving important vacancies empty due to ongoing cast conflicts and discrimination. This also negatively impacts things like education which
    apparently is something China has done a better job of managing.

    There quite a bit more in the vid that what I've mentioned here, hope you find it as interesting as I did & I look forward to your opinions on it.

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