Am 02 Apr 19 01:33:02 schrob Dale Shipp an Gerhard Strangar zum Thema <Gibraltar>
Gibraltar is part of the UK. Look it up.
You need to correct some Wikipedia articles, then: -------------------------------------------------------------
Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom has sovereignty over seventeen territories which do not form
part of the United Kingdom itself: fourteen British Overseas Territories[26] and three Crown dependencies.[26][169]
The fourteen British Overseas Territories are: [...]; Gibraltar; [...] -------------------------------------------------------------
Gibraltar was nominated to be included on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories by the United Kingdom when the list was created in 1946[58] and has been listed ever since.[59] The government of Gibraltar has
actively worked to have Gibraltar removed from the list,[60] and in 2008 the British government declared Gibraltar's continued presence on the list an anachronism.[61]
And you also need to get rid of the fake TLD .gi where someone seems to spend all his spare time on making up fake laws:
for example the one about "Amendments to facilitate passporting between Gibraltar and the United Kingdom".
Tschoe mit Oe
* Origin: (2:240/2188.575)