• Andrew Cuomo hates illegals

    From aaron thomas@1:123/525 to All on Saturday, January 19, 2019 17:40:49
    I was filling out an application for energy assistance (in NY) today, and I noticed a part that says "You must have lawful immigration status to qualify."

    ..But this is NY! We love our illegal immigrants so much, that we've got sanctuary cities to protect them. On top of that, we've got Andrew Cuomo pledging allegiance to them. But what happens if they can't pay their heat bill?

    Andrew Cuomo says they can just freeze their asses off because they don't
    have lawful immigration status. Remember that, my liberal buddies, when
    you're out there trying to vote for what's best for our illegals.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A39 2018/04/21 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)