Hello Steven,
This whole thing between the Dems and Trump is getting out of control.
Not at all. Speaker Pelosi has bested The Orange One once again.
This isn't govermment.
It is our tax dollars at work.
Thier all behaving like a bunch of children.
Speaker Pelosi is doing what every mother does when scolding children.
But America is OK because Nancy is going to pray for us.
Speaker Pelosi said she is praying for The Orange One.
Are you kidding me?
Speaker Pelosi doesn't drink.
We need roads not prayers!
That is why Speaker Pelosi is praying for our president.
What does that even mean?
If Speaker Pelosi does not pray for him, nobody else will.
Is she sitted at the "right hand" of the father?
She stands behind the president whenever he gives a speech
to a joint session of Congress.
The Dems are OUT of Order!
Speaker Pelosi calls the House to order, not the president.
The whole damn government is OUT of Order!!
Speaker Pelosi makes sure the House is always in Order.
Even if everything else is out of Order.
These are the people representing the US citizens?
We the People represent this country.
The Orange One merely represents himself.
I'm moving to Switzerland.
Bring the headquarters of the UN with you.
Your Hole Is Our Goal
--- MesNews/
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